Monday, December 1, 2008

New Authors

As you may have noticed, I've added The First Book to my list of favorite writing blogs. Every Monday, they post an interview with a new author who's recently gotten their first book published. I find it very inspiring to read everyone's stories of how they got published.

The recent interview with Joshua Corin for his book Nuclear Winter was like reading a fairytale. He wrote an award-winning screenplay that a Hollywood producer found on a website and contacted him to see if he had anything new. Just a few days later, he'd sold a book! The book sounds pretty interesting, too. Check for Nuclear Winter to be coming to bookshelves and movie theaters soon.

I was intrigued by Devon Monk's interview about his book Magic to the Bone simply because it sounds like a good novel in a genre I like to read. (And his first book was auctioned! I dream of these things!)

Check out this great blog--it's the first blog I've found all by myself that I now regularly check, and I'm oddly proud of that fact.

1 comment:

Joshua Corin said...

Thanks, Rebecca, for the kind words. Best of luck with your own writing - and congrats on successfully finishing Nano. Most people can't say they've written a novel...and you can say you wrote one in a month.