Thursday, January 15, 2009

First Submission

I sent off the first chapter of Basic Trouble (under the title of Conventional Demon) to a literary agency yesterday! My first submission! I'm so excited to finally be getting my book out there! This one was to Firebrand Literary Agency. They had a query holiday, so instead of sending a query and waiting to hear back, I got to send the first chapter, no query needed. The holiday ends today, so I just squeaked in (I really hadn't planned on Book 2 taking so long!).

However, the near non-stop demands on my body/mind from November 1 to yesterday took their toll. I'm feeling a little rundown with a slightly runny nose and scratchy throat (yesterday, my nose obligingly ran on the left side, in honor of Non-Dominant Hand Day, to be sure). I'm taking today, and probably tomorrow, off to rest. And it feels so nice!

I've got big plans for reoutlining Basic Trouble--oh, what the heck, let's just call it Conventional Demon from now on like I plan to--doing a whole new editorial/rewrite pass on the book, sending out queries to a few agencies I've researched, and finally reading through Book 2, but for today, it's time to lounge in a sunbeam with a kitty or two and take a nap.


Cody said...

Well done!

Anonymous said...

The adoring masses would like to know when they get a sneak peak at the second Madision book! Specifically your souther California fan club....

TikiBird said...

Congratulations! I will send good vibrations your way.