Saturday, January 31, 2009

A Bookcase for My Blog

My blog has a bookcase! How incredible is that! (Now, if I were to make my blog look like my home, those books would be stacked on their sides, filling each shelf from top to bottom, and there'd be bookcases all around my blog posts, but this one is a start.)

On the top shelf are the two books I'm reading right now. One's fiction, one's nonfiction, so it works. Below that, you'll recognize Lick of Frost, which I just finished. After that, I'm trying to decide between Kim Harrison and Janet Evanovich for the next book I want to read after Neil Gaiman. It's like my own blog book queue! I love it! By far, it's one of the best things Cody's found for me in a while.

1 comment:

Cody said...

Just so you know, I got the idea from
But, I'm glad you like it...