Thursday, April 9, 2009

Twins Time

Yes, aside from yesterday's break for love and an anniversary celebration, I've been working hard on Madison and editing my way through about 60 pages of text so far. Is there anything exciting to add about that? Not really. My spreadsheet is helping tremendously, and it's shaping up to be a New York Times bestseller, or at least a widely popular debut urban fantasy. But that's just me being modest.

Right now, I have a more pressing issue for y'all. Twins. As in celebrities that I feel look amazingly like each other. I need your opinions. There's two this time, and both I feel look more like siblings than twins. Tell me what you think:

David Boreanaz

Stephan Rannazzisi

Granted, David is clearly the thinner, hotter brother, but check out the nose shape, the eyebrow shape, and the general eyes shape. Especially genetically identical (allegedly) is the hairline, don't you think?

Now, if you're still with me, what about these two as siblings:

Russell Brand

Keira Knightley

I think a lot more of you are going to think I'm crazy on this one, but check out the general face shape and the noses. Paternal twins, I tell you.

So, am I crazy or dead on? (Dead on, I think.)

1 comment:

Cody said...

Let me be the first to say...
Yes.. TWINS..
All of them, separated at birth.