Friday, June 13, 2008

Clutter Begone

It took me over a month to finish the edits of chapter six of Areia. That's not exactly impressive. Especially since the chapter is only 48 pages. It took me far less time to write it than it did to edit it. Of course, so much changed in the world, my way of thinking, even a bit of my writing style between the original text and the end of the book that my "edit" was more like an intensive rewrite and the previous material was the equivalent of a character/scene sketch. But it's done and emailed to the select few who are patient enough and nice enough to read it chapter by chapter as I finish it.

They've got a long wait for the next chapter. It's Madison's turn

In preparation, I did a something I've not done before: I cleaned up my desk. Really cleaned it. I cleared off the walls, removing every single last scrap of Areia from the surfaces. No longer are there Areia characters staring at me or scraps of notes for future chapter edits. All storyboard note cards for the first Madison and the second Areia are filed away. I weeded out the random sticky notes with jotted story idea and I took down most of the notes Cody left me, though a few are still up for inspiration. I filed away all the paperwork and pictures into the Areia folder, shut it, and placed it away on the shelf. I won't be touching that for at least another two months, maybe longer. I even went through all my notes for Madison and organized them in their binder. Then I dusted. (Yeah, that impressed me, too. I'll post a picture soon to document the proof.)

My desk hasn't been this spotless since the day we moved in and put the computer together. Everything is ready for the final Madison 1 edits and Madison 2 writing.

As I mentioned in a previous post, Madison is rattling around like a one-man-band in my head. The first one is ready to be sold (well, not physically ready, but mentally ready, and so close to physically ready that I can taste it). Better yet, the next book is perched at the forefront of my mind, eager to be put to the page. I have pages of notes on villain ideas, friends for Madison to meet, locations and powers to be explored, loves and flirtations to flush out, and humorous catastrophes to befall our spunky heroine. I have enough to fill two, maybe three more novels. I can't wait to begin the next one! (And I REALLY can't wait until you all can read the first one in print, and I can actually fill in some solid details in these posts and not be so terribly, frustratingly vague!)

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