Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Madison Time!

Yesterday and today have been devoted to Madison, and I've loved it. After the incredibly busy June month in which I worked on Madison a whopping two times, I've really enjoyed these days of focusing on my passion! I'm still editing book one, but today I reached a part where I've got to write a couple of new scenes—scenes that I've been looking forward to since I realized they were missing. I'll most likely write those tomorrow. I thought I'd get to them today, but I've been editing by hand (mainly so I can leave the house—I don't have a laptop, so computer mobility is out of the question), and I haven't wanted to pause to implement anything. Now it seems important to do before I continue on writing, mainly because I think it'll save a boatload of confusion (and time) later on.

I got in about three hours of work today in between all those other things that were also put on the back burner (like cleaning the bathrooms). I'm looking forward to getting more done tomorrow. I thought I might get another chapter entered into the computer tonight, but after my afternoon exercise and then scrubbing the tub for a half hour, I'm done for the day.

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